
My pseuds:
DanaKnight_memorial and Dana Knight
I joined on:
My user ID is:


Here you will find fanfiction written by Judith Freudenthal who was active in many fandoms, especially Forever Knight. Judy was taken from us on May 2nd, 2004, and this site is a permanent place where the fan fiction she so loved to create will go on. For those of us who were privileged to have known this gentle spirit, it is here not just to mourn her loss but also to celebrate her life. It is here not because she died, but because she lived and because she was loved, even though her time with us was all too short.

Her stories have been preserved exactly as she wrote them. We will miss you, dear friend.

This memorial account was set up with the assistance of Open Doors with permission from her family, and is maintained by alice ttlg. For more information and memories of Dana Knight, please see her Fanlore page.

If you have copies of any of Judy's works not archived here, please contact Open Doors or alice ttlg.

We are looking for the following stories. We know that Judy wrote them, but have been unable to locate copies:
*[Title Unknown] - MacGyver story where Mac is left paralyzed after a car accident (?).
* The Unfairness of Life - X-Files story, where Scully contracts HIV and accidentally infects Mulder.